The SIY Hub is a place to…
- Focus on your creativity (it’s like Facebook, but without the ads!)
- Find inspiration – new projects, fabric, sew-alongs, programs and more
- Connect with like-minded makers
- Get support and encouragement
- Share your work and ideas
- Learn and grow

First Step: Sign up for our community
Signing up only takes your first name (“nickname”) and email. SIGN UP. Check your email to activate your membership, and then come back and log in. Oh, and have fun by adding a photo to your profile and customizing it as you see fit!

Next Step: Select the groups that interest you
Start at the group “Say Hello” and introduce yourself to the community. The SIY Project Makers is a group for those who are fans of the SIY-Sew It Yourself site of free projects. Want to show off and equally fawn over projects in progress? Check out the “I Made This” group. Have a question about your current project? Stop in and share in the “Great Question?” group. There are many other groups waiting for you in the SIY-Sew It Yourself Hub.

Jump In: Be yourself and get started
Poke around and find the voices that will become new friends. This community is for you.